Thursday, December 13, 2012

Goodbye Sleep, Hello Stress!!

So, every one of you out there that are moms are laughing at me. I know it, you know it. So, just laugh it up! :) I cannot wait to get into a routine so I can actually get something done!!!!!
This girl is a handful! She has more energy than any human could possibly have, it’s like the Energizer Bunny! We have had our challenges, but we’re getting there. Today was a good day. A very good day.
There was very little attitude, and almost no argument. We had dinner, she ate well (finally) and had her ice cream for dessert. She loves the way I make her ice cream cones. We in the Wells family do NOT just put a scoop of ice cream on top of a cone, oh no, we get a spoon and FILL that ice cream cone up, stuff it in there, and THEN put the scoop on top! That way, you have ice cream all through your cone! She loves it. Of course, what kid wouldn’t??
A friend from work gave us a big bag of clothes – Don’Shel was ecstatic! She wanted to play ‘Fashion Show’, but we just didn’t have time. There is so little time in a day. With moving out to East Mesa, the commute to work is longer, so there is less time in a day to do things. I’m out of the house by 6:20am, and back to the house by about 5:30-6pm. She loves the before and after school care, and was grumpy last night because she had to come home.
There has been a HUGE outpouring of advice from just about everyone – thank you all! Some works, some doesn’t. Don’Shel is a special girl – smart as a whip – and can figure you out to her best advantage very quickly.
The best part of my day:
On the way to school this morning –
Don’Shel – “What are those other two holes under there?”
Me – “Under where??”
Don’Shel – laughing hysterically – “You said UNDERWARE!!!!”
Such a perfect 8 year old moment – which is great for a child that hasn’t really been an 8 year old!


  1. I love those moments when it's just me and only one kid in the car. The talks are priceless. When I pick D up after work from her friend's house, the entire 10-15 minute ride home, she's non-stop talking about her day. It's rather nice.
    Trust me, enjoy those moments while you have them.

  2. Janice you are doing amazing, these kids are not your normal kids. They are so so much harder. You will deal with things other parents cannot grasp. Sounds like you are doing a fantastic job!!
